Conference: Madrid and the Future of Urbanism and Sustainable Mobility

Last December, Madrid Open City (MOC) organised the conference “Madrid and the Future of Urbanism and Sustainable Mobility”, which brought together a prestigious group of professionals from the urban planning and mobility sectors, to share views and discuss in depth the challenges that the future poses for Madrid in this area.

Madrid Open City is an independent non-profit, non-political and consensus-based association, formed by institutions, companies, organisations and entrepreneurs, leaders in their fields. The association´s objective is to position and promote Madrid in foreign markets as an international centre for business, human capital, and innovation, to attract investment, talent and innovation to all sectors.

The event was attended by numerous representatives from the relevant institutions. The Minister of Housing, Transport, and Infrastructure, on behalf of the Community of Madrid, opened the event. Also in attendance from the Community of Madrid were the Director General of Urban Planning, the Director General of Housing, and the Deputy Minister of Digitalisation. The Director General of Barcelona Serveis Municipals and the General Coordinator of Urbanism of the City of Madrid, who closed the event, also attended. The day was structured into three round tables and five presentations of ongoing initiatives.

Salvador Fernández Fenollera, as director of the Urban Development Division of TYPSA, was invited to participate in the first round table, entitled “Mobility and environment: The active city, health and energy”, in which he provided the perspective of urban planning architects and engineers on the way we are designing the cities of the future.

TYPSA’s multi-disciplinary capacity, which encompasses infrastructure engineering, mobility, architectural and landscape design, and sustainability, coupled with our experience facing challenges of urban transformation in different cities and countries around the world, has enabled us to bring to the debate our knowledge about current city design trends. We aspire to a type of city in which citizens have a healthier and more balanced life, and which acts as a driving force for the sustainable development of society.

Salvador Fernández
Head of Cities

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