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QHSE Management System
QUALITY, ENVIRONMENT, OHSE, R&D and Information Security
Environmental conservation, quality, client satisfaction, employee health and safety and innovation to improve processes, products and services, are fundamental to TYPSA Group’s commitment to society, and drive our conduct in all we do.
TYPSA Group’s Management System policy reflects this commitment and sets out the general principles that govern our activity. The System’s procedures further develop these principles and establish mechanisms and protocols that guarantee compliance with the commitment stated above.
TYPSA Group companies operate in a complementary manner providing consulting engineering and technical assistance. Services include:

Studies, reports and designs

Control and monitoring, supervision, construction management and project and construction management services for civil, building and MEP works, including, where applicable, managing and activating purchases and selecting contractors.

Coordinating health and safety

MEP maintenance management

Statistics and services for official administrative procedures

Environmental inspections, chemical and microbiological analyses and testing of materials for civil works.

Rail project risk
Rail project risk evaluation and assessment inspections on infrastructure, and control, command and signalling subsystems.
Working in a highly competitive market, TYPSA Group‘s Presidential team prioritises strategy management, client satisfaction, the quality of the work done and environmental protection within the context of sustainable development. Our approach aims at more effective products, services and production processes for our clients, ensuring confidential and available information while safeguarding its integrity in compliance with the information management system security policies. Through a firm social commitment guaranteeing ethical behaviour, we engage in social, labour, environmental and human rights concerns, maintaining transparency with our internal and external stakeholders. All this within a framework of appropriate communication, promotion and protection of occupational health and safety and the prevention of work-related risks.
Our commitments

Share TYPSA Group's Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety, R&D and Information Security Management Policy with our internal and external stakeholders at all times.

Identify and meet client requirements and expectations, studying them carefully and proposing the most appropriate comprehensive solution within the context of our organisation.

Comply with the applicable legal obligations and with the requirements the organisation subscribes to regarding environmental and occupational health and safety aspects.

Provide continued support to clients, anticipating their problems, solving them quickly and effectively and attending to any complaints or claims.

Establish, document, implement, maintain and continually improve a management system in compliance with UNE-EN-ISO 9001, UNE-EN-ISO 14001, UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17025, UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17020, UNE 166002, UNE-EN-ISO 45001 and UNE-ISO/IEC 27001 standards. Ensure compliance with any other law, regulation or rule applicable to the tasks assigned, and especially with those related to client satisfaction, environmental protection, the conservation of natural resources, efficient energy use, occupational health and safety, the design of new services, the improvement of production processes, and information security.

Protect the environment, prevent pollution and make any commitments specific to the Group’s organisational context that may arise as a consequence of internal activities and activities anticipated in construction projects, especially with regard to the systematic reduction of waste generated, encouraging recycling and reuse.

Achieve and maintain the highest level of occupational health and safety, eliminating hazards and reducing risks, promoting any necessary preventive training and information by integrating occupational health and safety into all activities and decisions involved in technical and production processes, making it the responsibility of each and every one of those who are part of the TYPSA Group. Ensure that workers can consult and participate in all areas of health and safety, adopting all necessary remedial, repair or compensatory health and safety measures in all areas of work.

Give preference to TYPSA Group suppliers who routinely apply quality and environment systems in accordance with international ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 27001 standards.

Promote employee engagement with the service offered to the client, the quality of work, care for the environment, and responsibility for occupational health and safety and security information best practices.

Control and assess the continued improvement of quality, environmental behaviour and occupational health and safety at TYPSA Group.

Encourage the development of R&D projects focused on improving productivity, adapting processes to constant technological change, ensuring that internal creativity is put to good use and motivating our employees.

Implement ISO 19650 information management concepts and principles for BIM use in building and civil engineering design and construction. Apply standards, methods and procedures equivalent to stage 2 BIM maturity. Incorporate, maintain and improve the relevant BIM methods and procedures within our management system. Implement the appropriate technological tools and train our staff in the use of these standards, methods, procedures and tools equally across our organisation.

Provide the technical and human resources needed to meet the above goals.

Set out in documents detailed quality, environment, occupational health and safety, R&D, and information security goals and objectives, aimed at making our processes more efficient, satisfying our clients, managing risk, controlling and reducing the environmental impact of our activities and promoting occupational health and safety, and check the degree of compliance every year.

Provide an Information Security reference framework that guarantees the protection of Information and Communication Technologies to safeguard the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information.

Guarantee impartiality and integrity when performing testing and inspection activities. Inspection units operate independently from other TYPSA Group units to safeguard competence, impartiality and operational integrity and ensure that there are no pressures which may affect the quality of the work, in accordance with UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020.

Review the Policy every year to ensure it is appropriate for TYPSA Group's purpose.
TYPSA Group‘s Policy aims to enhance competitiveness, earn the trust of clients and stakeholders, achieve employee satisfaction through a sense of belonging and through the quality of the work done, promote and guarantee occupational health and safety and contribute to better social and environmental conditions for society as a whole.
Pablo Bueno Tomás
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board
For many years, TYPSA Group has had an integrated management system in place based on international standard requirements. The system is consistently and systematically applied to all our work.
The Integrated Management Manual is the vehicle for implementing the system. The Manual provides a framework to coordinate the rigorous fulfilment of contractual requirements in strict compliance with applicable procedures and technical guidelines in order to ensure appropriate internal monitoring, verification, validation, audit and recording processes.
Certifications and approvals

ISO 9001

ISO 14001

ISO/IEC 27001
Information Security

ISO 37001

UNE 166002

ISO 14064
CO2 Verified

ISO 45001

TYPSA Limited
Information Security

LEED ORO (Headquarters)
TYPSA Group is aware of today’s climate change problems and of the impact of greenhouse gas emissions. When considering the environmental and sustainability aspects of our projects we prioritise the study of emissions and measures to reduce them.
In addition, we calculate the carbon footprint generated by our own activity as a consulting and engineering firm. Since 2013, TYPSA’s carbon footprint in Spain has been calculated and verified according to ISO 14064:2019 scope 1, 2 and 3.
In addition, all TYPSA’s carbon footprints are registered in the carbon footprint, offset and CO2 removal projects register at the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition, and was the first engineering company in Spain to receive the carbon footprint reduction and calculation stamp in 2016. We continue to reduce our GHG emissions in more than 20%, which the stamp obtained for 2021 demonstrates.
All TYPSA subcontractors are subject to evaluation of the work contracted. On completion, works are evaluated based on deadline and quality criteria. Unsatisfactory results are grounds for supplier exclusion. This final evaluation is kept in each supplier’s file, which can be consulted by the entire organisation. Furthermore, subcontractors are obliged to comply, within the scope of the provision of their services, with the supplier’s environmental commitment available at this link.
Client Support
As part of our commitment to quality, our Client Support Service provides a link to deliver support when and where needed.
The client support line offers an ongoing opportunity for clients to send us their queries and complaints, or any recommendations or suggestions for improvement which might strengthen our relationship and our mutual trust or contribute to better product or service quality.
The Quality and Environment department receives all messages sent via this service and deals with them promptly and effectively to provide the support our clients deserve.
Please contact the person in charge of the contract to obtain your client access key.